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      Skills Credentials Hack with Crypto
      Crypto Skills Credentials, for students and professionals contributing in projects & innovation

      **Project description**

      These past years, we have been a lot to take part to hackathons or simply bringing in knowledge, expertise or solutions in projects without reward nor recognition.

      **What problem are you trying to solve ?**

      How might our contributions be recorded, analyzed and converted in verified crypto credentials?
      How could these crypto credentials be used to complete an academic curriculum or serve as skills and abilities evidences in recruitment processes?
      How are you planning to use the hackathon to find solutions ?
      We would like to gather experts and potential stakeholders to craft a pretotype (and possibily a prototype) of a platform allowing crypto credentials issuance with corresponding smart contracts registered on a blockchain.

      **Looking For**
      -Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Crypto
      -Web Design
      -UX , UI
      -Academic Credentials, Open Badges
      -Assements / Evaluations
      -(Project) Team Building

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    • Marie Marthe Joly il y a 5 années et 5 mois

    • TOKENIZATION to renovate historical houses

      Imagine that you could stay in a stunny and comfortable house fully equipped for remote working in an historical center on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Not only for 1 week but maybe much more, depending on how much you contribute to its restoration.

      **Project description**
      Design a sustainable crowdfunding system to finance antique houses sustainable restoration in the heart of dying minor centers of interest. But not only, the system should bring (back) talents & their families to reboot local life and economy.

      We will take as a pilot the City of Palazzolo Acreide in South Oriental Sicily, on the heritage list for its late barocco historical center. Palazzolo Acreide has a lot to offer to even temporary residents in terms of environment (mountains and sea), biodiversity (the Anapo Valley among the richest biodiversities in the world) , gastronomy, sicilian cafes with their pastries, anthropology, archeology (ancient greek city founded by the Siracusans), health (low gluten agriculture and products for those suffering from celiac disease) and vast spaces with clean air!

      Walking down to the old quarter of San Paolo, you will find old shops where the last craftsmens still work in cabinet making, upholstery, embroidery, ceramics, etc. . If you are curious enough you could even bring your own object to restore and learn, or just have a coffe and vividly discuss, history, music (many concerts here), archeology, politics just to name a few.

      #Sustainability #biodiversity #renewableEnergies
      #DigitalNomads # RemoteWork #FutureOfWork
      #SharingEconomy #CircularEconomy

      **What problem are we trying to solve ?**
      the City of Palazzolo, as many as other minor centers in the world, is constantly losing inhabitants and especially young talents. Less than half of the houses are still occupied in the historical center.
      In the 70’s, the inhabitants have preferred new constructions in the suburbs, which where considered more comfortable. Today, they no longer have the economic means to restore the old houses they abandoned, or inherited meanwhile, in the center. Unfortunately, these houses cost them in various taxes and are even more of a burden on their budget as they are falling into ruin and therefore cannot generate any income.
      As a consequence, all the professions linked to real estate and their refurnishing do not work enough to transmit their knowledge and maintain employment.
      No jobs, no income, no means to renovate houses, no hope to repopulate, especially with young talents, and relaunch the economy in the city!

      On the other hand,
      More and more professionals &students aspire to travel ,work and live in a more sustainable way. The pandemic has proven that we can work or study, in most cases, at least for a while, remotely.
      Living in or close to a big city can be very expensive, unconfortable, unhealthy (pollution, poor quality of food, etc.), time consuming in comuting, etc.
      Living in minor center is significantly less expensive, more sustainable, healthier and much more confortable.

      So why not create secured contracts to finance houses renovation, in small habitation working unit, or colivings, in exchange of proportional stays in these units?
      We could also add local goods (restored furnitures, upholstery, embroided curtains, etc.) and available services as guided tours, hiking, sailing, yoga, shiatsu, coaching, etc.
      How are you planning to use the hackathon to find solutions ?
      Co-design a sustainable crowdfunding system using smart contracts to reward crowdfunders with tokenized usufruct time proportional to their contribution.

      Use this system as a houses booking App/platform based on tokens that can be redeemed or, if needed, traded.

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